
From the legendary Shonen Jump comic turned anime series “Dragon Quest: The Legend of Dai” comes a Nendoroid of the main character Dai! He comes with three face plates including a standard expression, a smiling expression and a shouting expression. Optional parts include right hand parts featuring the Dragon Crest, Dai’s sword (with scabbard and hilt parts), his Papnica Knife and an Avan Strash effect part.

It stands approx. 10 cm tall and comes in a window box.

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Good Smile Company

From the legendary Shonen Jump comic turned anime series “Dragon Quest: The Legend of Dai” comes a Nendoroid of the main character Dai! He comes with three face plates including a standard expression, a smiling expression and a shouting expression. Optional parts include right hand parts featuring the Dragon Crest, Dai’s sword (with scabbard and hilt parts), his Papnica Knife and an Avan Strash effect part.

It stands approx. 10 cm tall and comes in a window box.

Additional information

Weight 500 g
Age Rating


GPSR Safety Labels


GPSR Distributors

heo GmbH West Campus 1 76863 Herxheim DE info@heo.com

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