From the popular anime series scheduled to air from April 2017 – ‘Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend’ comes a Nendoroid of the main heroine Megumi Kato wearing her school uniform! Megumi is known to change her hairstyle frequently, and so the Nendoroid comes with different hairstyles to choose from including a bobcut, a ponytail and one secret hairstyle that will be revealed after release – a total of three different hairstyles on a single Nendoroid!
She also comes with three face plates including her standard expression, an embarrassed expression as well as an upset expression. She also comes with special parts to display her squatting with her hands on her cheeks, and her cellphone is also included for her to hold allowing you to pose her in all sorts of different situations.
The Nendoroid-style figure stands approximately 10 cm in height.