
From Rumiko Takahashi’s popular manga series “Inuyasha” comes a Nendoroid of Kagome Higurashi, the middle school girl who slipped back in time to the feudal era. She comes with three face plates including an energetic smiling expression, a determined combat expression and an angry expression as though shouting, “Sit, boy!”

Her bow that she uses to fight malicious demons is included, along with a quiver and an arrow. She also comes with interchangeable lower-half parts to display her sitting as well! Be sure to preorder her with the rerelease of Nendoroid Inuyasha (sold separately), also available for preorder at the same time!

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Good Smile Company

From Rumiko Takahashi’s popular manga series “Inuyasha” comes a Nendoroid of Kagome Higurashi, the middle school girl who slipped back in time to the feudal era. She comes with three face plates including an energetic smiling expression, a determined combat expression and an angry expression as though shouting, “Sit, boy!”

Her bow that she uses to fight malicious demons is included, along with a quiver and an arrow. She also comes with interchangeable lower-half parts to display her sitting as well! Be sure to preorder her with the rerelease of Nendoroid Inuyasha (sold separately), also available for preorder at the same time!

Additional information

Weight 500 g
Age Rating


GPSR Safety Labels


GPSR Distributors

heo GmbH West Campus 1 76863 Herxheim DE info@heo.com

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