
From the popular anime series “Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Third Plate” comes a Nendoroid of the Totsuki Culinary Academy’s first year student Megumi Tadokoro wearing her chef uniform!

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Good Smile Company

From the popular anime series “Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Third Plate” comes a Nendoroid of the Totsuki Culinary Academy’s first year student Megumi Tadokoro wearing her chef uniform!

The Nendoroid comes with a selection of parts that allow you to recreate the process of her creating the dish that she presented at the Autumn preliminaries which revealed her cooking skill – the Goosefish Dobu-Jiru Curry! The Nendoroid also comes with three face plates including a standard smiling expression, a serious expression and a flustered expression allowing for all sorts of situations in Nendoroid size!

The Nendoroid-style figure stands approximately 10 cm in height.

Additional information

Weight 500 g
Age Rating


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